RECIPE: Brownie, Banana and Baileys Trifles

Happy almost New Year everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and is looking forward to 2015 ...and, really, what better way is there to welcome in the new year than with trifle? ... (tumbleweed)... Exactly . And these ones are perfect! Trust. They're easy , yet impressive , plus necessarily indulgent (it's not January yet people!) As ever, my sister and I were in charge of puddings for Christmas day, and I just happened to stumble across this genius concoction on BBC GoodFood (, and there was no going back. These can be made a few hours in advance and kept in the fridge. INGREDIENTS (makes 4 individual trifles): 200ml double cream 5 tbsp Baileys 4 brownies (make your own for the best results)* 2 bananas, sliced 350ml vanilla custard toffee sauce (optional) grated chocolate (optional - we used some crumbs from the brownies) If you have time, homemade brownies really...