Oh hi there!

Hi everyone! And welcome to my blog I guess... So I've decided to start a blog (because, hey, why not?!) and I hope it will manage to amuse/inspire/entertain in anyway anyone who stumbles across it! 

Firstly a bit about me? Yeah, ok.
1. I've just finished my first year at Exeter University.
2. I'm studying French and Spanish (no, I am not fluent and no, I don't want to be a teacher).
3. I am the youngest of 3, one brother, one sister.
*E.g the beautiful Rafa.
4. I have 2 beautiful black labradors (except one of them just farted...less beautiful).
5. I am a real girly girl, I love baking, shopping and anything pink.
6. For some reason, my nail varnish never chips.
7. I like getting my hair cut really short without telling anyone.
8. I am in love with far too many celebrities* (like seriously, it's not healthy).
9. Dancing always make me feel better. So does chocolate.
10. I think I do quite a good Australian accent. Australians have told me otherwise.

So there you go, an extremely random set of facts about me, that you probably have no interest in but OH WELL. I'll get better at this blogging business, I promise/hope. 

Thanks for reading, enjoy the rest of your day!
Holly x


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