MUSIC: My Top 10 Albums Right Now

Why hello there!
So I'm one of those people that likes to have music on all the time. Like all the time. I just think it makes life better. Plus I can't listen to music without singing along, that's just a fact. And going to concerts and gigs, and just live music in general, is one of my fave things ever.
Anyway, you'll see from this post I've got quite a strange variety of music tastes, so I thought I'd share them with you. Maybe you won't like any of it, maybe like me you'll love it all, or maybe you'll find something you've never heard before. Either way, I'm hoping there might be something for everyone...err, ok maybe not everyone, I mean I've got no death metal, afro-cuban jazz or celtic hip-hop (apparently that's a thing) in this list but we shall persevere...
Anyone who knows me will know how bad I am at making decisions and it was hard enough to choose just ten albums, so the numbering is just for good old organisational purposes :) 
Here we goooo:

1. An Awesome Wave, Alt-J
Release date: 25th May 2012
Favourite track: Taro
Alt-J isn't for everyone, and I don't really know how to describe their music, Wikipedia says they're an indie rock band but I don't think that really captures their unique sound. Either way, I think they're great, and if you haven't already, you should give them a listen. The first time I heard them was at Reading Festival in 2012 and for the entirety of the weekend my friends and I couldn't get 'Breezeblocks' out of our heads. I saw them in concert again in May 2013, we were right at the front, and it was one of the most amazing live music experiences I've ever had. Truth. 

2. Bad Blood, Bastille
Release date: 4th March 2013
Favourite track: Weight of Living, Pt. II

Apart from the few singles they'd released I'd never listened to this album until a friend suggested a group of us and go and see them, so naturally I had to get to know the songs so I could sing along! And it turned out it's one of those great albums where I love every single track, you know there's usually at least one where you're like 'meh', well that is not the case here my friends!

3. 5 Seconds Of Summer, 5 Seconds Of Summer
Release date: 27th June 2014
Favourite track: Voodoo Doll

Ok, so I'm pretty obsessed with this album at the moment, and this band in general really. I've just got tickets to go and see them with my sister next year and I'm SO. EXCITED. It's pretty depressing that 3 out of these 4 guys are younger than me, like, what have I done with my life?! Anyway, yeah it's a kind of pop-rock sound, greeeeat driving music and I'm not sure why they're having to shrug off the 'boyband' label, when they're clearly just a 'band'. (Plus they're Australian, that's always a bonus #helloaccent) 

4. Modern Vampires Of The City, Vampire Weekend
Release date: 6th May 2013
Favourite track: Step

My brother bought this for me for my birthday last year (my bro is a massive influence to me when it comes to music, so most of the indie stuff comes from bands he's introduced me to (not so much the Biebs and 1D)) and it was the first album I thought of when making this list. There are so many crackers on this album, it was really hard to choose a favourite track.

5. Believe Acoustic, Justin Bieber
Release date: 29th January 2013
Favourite track: As Long As You Love Me - Acoustic Version

JUST HEAR ME OUT A SEC. I know the Biebs has done some pretty questionable stuff recently and I'm not defending him, but it doesn't take away the fact that the dude has talent. And I think this album, just his voice and his guitar(/piano), really shows that off.

6. Night Visions, Imagine Dragons
Release date: 4th September 2012
Favourite track: Working Man

Ya gotta love a bit of Imagine Dragons. This album is just full of rocky, up-beat, #lovinlyf tracks! This band is one of the only two in this list that I've never seen live which I really need to rectify I think.

7. A Present For Everyone, Busted
Release date: 17th November 2003
Favourite track: Meet You There

Ahh Busted. My first concert, and subsequently my first musical obsession. My bedroom was COVERED in posters of them, although looking back, 9 year old me had no idea about half the stuff they were singing about... I went to see McBusted earlier this year and hearing songs like Year 3000 and Air Hostess that were basically my childhood was just the best thing ever. It was really difficult choosing which of their two albums to put in the list, they're both full of absolute classics, but I decided I prefer this one more overall. But 'What I got To School For' and 'Sleeping With The Light On' from their first album defs deserve a shout out. 

8. Midnight Memories, One Direction
Release date: 25th November 2013
Favourite track: Through The Dark/Story Of My Life

Look, you know what, sometimes I just want some good old pop blasting out of my speakers while I dance around my room singing into a hairbrush. I'm a teenage girl, that's what we do best. And no jokes, you can see a big difference in this album to their last two, you can tell they're starting to develop into the musicians that THEY would listen to. Plus they're all really fit and funny and awesome and I love them. K bye. 

9. Tourist History, Two Door Cinema Club
Release date: 17th February 2010
Favourite track: Undercover Martyn

I LOVE TWO DOOR CINEMA CLUB. Just thought I'd put that out there. I reeeeally wanted to put both of their albums in this list but I was struggling with numbers so had to cut one (#sadface). And blimmin' 'ell it was hard to choose which one. Like seriously, I feel bad for Beacon now, I love it just as equally, promise. Anyway, these guys are great, they're also an indie rock band (says Google) (but waaay different from Alt-J), and I love how you can hear their Northern Irish accents in their songs. They were my favourite act that I saw at Reading Festival and I also saw them last December at the O2 Arena in London, which was AMAZING. Both albums are full of catchy, feel good tunes, and that's all I'm really looking for in life. 

10. New Eyes, Clean Bandit
Release date: 30th May 2014
Favourite track: Mozart's House
It felt like I'd been waiting forever for this album but I only came across Clean Bandit when I saw them opening for Bastille in November 2013. They were so good live, even when I didn't know any of their songs, so I'm really excited that my lovely friends have got us tickets to go and see them this October when they're coming to Exeter! They manage to combine an electronic dance sound with elements of classical music from the cello and violin, which I really love.

Soooo, a small insight into my slightly strange musical mind. But I hope you maybe found something new to give a listen! Let me know what you think :)

Thanks for reading, beautiful internet people!
Holly x

Ps other artists who aren't on this list for absolutely no apparent reason and also deserve recognition for being awesome in my eyes: Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Bombay Bicycle Club, Ben Howard and Beyoncé (obvs). 


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