RECIPE: Brownie, Banana and Baileys Trifles

Happy almost New Year everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and is looking forward to 2015...and, really, what better way is there to welcome in the new year than with trifle? 



And these ones are perfect! Trust. They're easy, yet impressive, plus necessarily indulgent (it's not January yet people!)

As ever, my sister and I were in charge of puddings for Christmas day, and I just happened to stumble across this genius concoction on BBC GoodFood (, and there was no going back.

These can be made a few hours in advance and kept in the fridge.

INGREDIENTS (makes 4 individual trifles):

  • 200ml double cream
  • 5 tbsp Baileys
  • 4 brownies (make your own for the best results)*
  • 2 bananas, sliced
  • 350ml vanilla custard
  • toffee sauce (optional)
  • grated chocolate (optional - we used some crumbs from the brownies)
If you have time, homemade brownies really make these. I made mine the day before and stored them in an air-tight container to keep their gooey texture, #nom.

  1. Whip the double cream with 1 tablespoon of Baileys. Be careful not to over whip!
  2. Start layering up your trifles - break the brownies into pieces and put in the bottom of each glass.
  3. Then add a tablespoon of Baileys to each.
  4. Followed by the sliced banana.
  5. And custard.
  6. Depending on the shape of your glasses you may have room for more layers, that's what we did, JUST GO CRAZY OK.
  7. Top with the Baileys cream, toffee sauce and grated chocolate/brownie crumbs.
Me admiring my masterpiece/looking kinda creepy.
Snapped by the sis and her pro-blogger camera.


Crumb-sprinkling expertise, courtesy of Rachel.
Whatever you're eating/drinking/doing tonight, I hope you will all be beginning 2015 surrounded by people you love. And now these trifles. 
Holly x 


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