Freshers' 2.0 - Why Second Year is Just Better

Whenever I ask someone which year of university was their favourite, I've found the majority answer "2nd year". So obviously I was pretty psyched to begin mine.

Freshers' week (as an actual fresher) is built up to be the most amazing week of your life, and I know not everyone feels this way, but mine really wasn't. Don't get me wrong I had loads of fun, met loads of new people, and got loads of freebies (#win), but for me, moving away from home was pretty scary and all the new people, new places and new experiences were rather overwhelming. So it took me the week to find my newly independent feet and properly settle in. So for any freshers out there reading this, if you feel the same way, do not worry, it is completely normal and that feeling goes away.

This brings me to the freshers' week of 2nd year, 'Freshers' 2.0' if you will. Exeter start ridiculously early for some reason so I'm actually coming to the end of mine but hopefully this post is just in time for most people's return to university.

I'm already loving 2nd year so much more than 1st (although, speak to me again once lectures have started) and here's a few reasons why:

  1. YOU ALREADY HAVE FRIENDS                                                                                              Making new friends is great, but sometimes it's just nice to know that you've got that group that are always there for you. I know I have!
    My beautiful housemates and me off to our Summer Ball
    You've got your house mates, your course mates, your society mates... We've all been that awkward fresher rocking up to a lecture trying to make small talk with the person next you who you've known for the past 30 seconds, and this year it's nice to not have that apprehensive 'what if I make no friends' (which will not happen, freshers, I promise) feeling.
  2. YOU KNOW THE CITY                                                                                                              I'd only been to Exeter once before I moved here last year, so it's safe to say it was the unknown. Coming back this year, it really feels like a home away from home, and although I've still got loads more to explore, it's nice knowing how to get around, where the best shops are, and which clubs to avoid. 
    Exeter Quay
  3. YOU LIVE IN A HOUSE                                                                                                              A FULL ON HOUSE. LIKE A FULL ON GROWN UP. Living in halls of residence is a lot of fun, but this is A HOUSE. It just feels so much more like a home. Plus, house parties > clubs. 
    Me and my 2nd year house
  4. YOU'RE NOT A FRESHER                                                                                                         Never again will you have to "Down it, fresher". And, you get to shout that at the new freshers, who suddenly seem to look about 12 to you.
    Dressed as babies for a social in first year
    It always feels good to no longer be at the bottom of the food chain, and basically just swagger around with your superior second year wisdom.
Soooo, in conclusion: first year is amazing, but second year is so much better*. Thanks for reading, ma friends and I hope you're having an amazing time, whatever year you're in, at university or not!

*Well, when it comes to Freshers' Week at least, that's as far as I've got so far...


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