A Serious One (kind of)

I'm the type of person who always has high expectations for things, which often leads to disappointment. I don't mean to, I just prefer to think only about the best possibilities, but they're not always 100% realistic.

Before I set off on my year abroad I was so excited to start, what everyone had told me would be, the best year of my life so far. But of course, people only ever tell you the good parts. So I had really got my hopes up that as soon as my feet hit Spanish soil I'd be having the time of my life.

The truth is, so far, it hasn't been exactly what I was expecting. In fact it's been quite a bit worse.

Moving country is hard, man.

I found leaving home to go to university scary enough, and this is the same, but like 100 times different. 

I know Spain isn't massively far away from England but it suddenly feels like everything is different. The people, the food, the shops, the language (duh), the lifestyle. Obviously it's amazing to be completely immersed in a new culture and I'm learning so much, but sometimes I really miss a simple trip to an English supermarket. Here, it seems to take three times as long as I try and work out what everything is/find the closest equivalent to something they just don't have/work out the value of something in euros compared to pounds/curl up in a ball on the floor of the biscuit aisle.  

Don't get me wrong, just like anyone I have some days which are like I LOVE IT HERE I NEVER WANT TO LEAVE, and others which are more like WHICH WAY TO THE AIRPORT BECAUSE I AM SO DONE. And I think what I've realised is that that's ok. It's ok to not constantly be having the 'best time ever'. I've only been here for two months, I'm still finding my Spanish feet, and things will get better. 

To my fellow year abroad-ers, I'm sure some of you have seamlessly slipped into your new foreign lives and don't have a clue what I'm on about. But if like me, you're not quite there yet, I just wanted to let you know you're not the only one!

Wow, for someone who normally blogs about pancakes that was pretty heavy. 
Anyway, I just felt like sharing in case it can help anyone who might be feeling the same way.

Stay positive, and remember, you will never be as sad as this pug looks. 
Holly x


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