Settling into Spain feat. Siestas and Sangria

Hola amigos!

So I haven't blogged for a while and I've got a bit of an update. 

I've moved to Spain!

Basically, I am now in the third year of my undergraduate degree at the University of Exeter (aka I'm supposedly almost a grown-up) and because I study languages I have the amazing opportunity to spend it abroad. So that's what I'm doing.

A couple of weeks ago I attempted to pack my life into a couple of suitcases and flew to Madrid to start my 9-month adventure. 
With accommodation, a Spanish bank account, and even a gym membership (who am I) all finally sorted, I'm beginning to feel a lot more settled. 

And if you're wondering what I'm actually doing out here (other than eating tapas, paella, churros con chocolate...(now you understand the gym membership)), I am working in a school as an English language assistant, helping teachers prepare lessons and helping the students with their English. I know I've only just started but I would already recommend it to anyone! All the teachers, students and fellow assistants (at least in my school) are really friendly, I only work four days a week, and I can really tell how important us assistants are, being native English speakers, compared to the teachers who are all Spanish.

I still have so much to explore but I'm seriously loving Madrid already. It has the most amazing feel to it, there's always so much going on with its bustling streets and yet it still keeps such a chilled atmosphere.
Beautiful building feat. beautiful sky

Having lunch at Mercado de San Miguel with Esther and Charlotte

Stunning architecture on Gran Vía
One of many fro-yos that have occurred

El Palacio Real
To be honest I don't have much to say, or many interesting pictures just yet. But thought I'd check in, and introduce this new chapter of my blog/life
Stay tuned for more posts from mi vida española *this is where I would insert the spanish-looking flamenco girl emoji if I could*.

Holly x


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