How to Job Hunt Without Going Insane

Since moving back to the UK in December, I have been on the dreaded job hunt. No matter your personal situation or what type of work you're seeking, I think we can all agree the process of looking and applying for jobs is not a fun one. So here are a few tips to help make the journey a little less frustrating/joyless/soul-crushing (delete as applicable). *N.B. I am not telling you how to get a job (nor do I think I'm qualified to do so), I'm merely suggesting some ways to ease the pain of the process.* *N.N.B.B. I'm writing this from the experience of someone searching for a job while not in employment, I appreciate it's a whole different ball game if you're looking for a job while also working full-time!* 1. Have a side hustle The worst part of job hunting, in my opinion, is the lack of control. You have no control over how long this period of uncertainty will last. No control over the (hundreds of) applications once they're sent out....